Thursday, February 10, 2011

MDA adds Segway to the Fleet

Magen David Adom is constantly trying find new and better ways for its teams to reach those in need of help and who are located in crowded urban areas or in mass casualty incidents with a large number of people present. 
Precious time can be wasted while MDA teams try to work out how to get their vehicles and ambulances through, for example, narrow alleyways. The time wasted could very well be the difference between life and death.
In order to solve this problem, it  was decided in MDA to add the "segway" to its fleet of operational vehicles. The "segway", with just two wheels, has the ability to negotiate its way through crowded areas or narrow spaces - for example, main roads in the big cities during rush-hour, large places of entertainment, narrow alleyways, etc.
The "segway" will enable MDA personnel to reach the wounded in a minimal amount of time and provide the primary treatment until other personnel arrive to continue the treatment.
"MDA continues in its efforts to find solutions to difficult problems so as to provide the best possible response wherever we are needed.  There is no doubt that the time taken to arrive is critical in many cases and, therefore, the use of the ‘segway' is the best possible answer", said MDA Director General, Eli Bin. "Any new technology which can help us to give better treatment is welcome. MDA will continue to invest in any resources which will improve our level of service".